目的 探讨基本消除丝虫病后丝虫病的消长规律和残存微丝蚴血症者的传播作用。 方法 从 1988年开始在全省范围内开展了丝虫病横向监测和纵向监测 ,病原学监测为血检微丝蚴 ,蚊媒学监测为蚊媒剖检幼丝虫。 结果 在7个 (张庄国家监测点除外 )省级纵向监测点中 10例微丝蚴血症者于 1990~ 1993年内陆续自然转阴 ,1993~ 1999年的复检均未复阳 ,连续 12年未发现丝虫新感染者。蚊媒监测 1994年以前发现阳性蚊 15只 ,检出幼丝虫 18条 ,均为 ~ 期幼虫。在蚊种构成上各监测点人房内优势蚊种仍为淡色库蚊 ,其次为中华按蚊 ,致倦库蚊和嗜人按蚊很少。露宿人群蚊媒叮人率波动较大 ,高者达 36 0 .6 0只 /人·夜 ,低者仅为 7.2 0只 /人·夜。帐内人群蚊媒叮人率波动较小 ,一般在 1只 /人·夜左右。经产蚊比率 2 7.2 7%~ 88.10 %。 1988~ 1999年横向监测 ,全省累计血检 11186 81人 ,1988~ 1990年查出微丝蚴血症者 2 6例 ,1991年以后未再发现微丝蚴血症者。 1994~ 1999年蚊媒监测 ,共剖检蚊媒 15 7815只 ,未发现阳性蚊。 结论 河南省丝虫病传播已被阻断 ,并已进入区域消除阶段。
Objective To study the regular pattern of growth and declination of filariasis and the role of residual microfilaremia in the disease transmission after the disease was basically eliminated in Henan Province. Methods Longitudinal and cross-sectional surveillance were carried throughout the Province during 1988-1999. Blood examination and mosquito vector surveillance method were taken. Results In 7 longitudinal surveillance sites, 10 microfilaremia became negative gradually in the first 6 years and they didnt became positive in the following 6 years, and no new infection was find in this population in this period. During 1988-1994, 15 vector mosquitoes were positive with total of 18 filarial larvae which were all of stage Ⅰand Ⅱ. Culex pipiens pallens was the main vector, the second was Anopheles sinensis , with a small number of C. fatigan and A.anthropophagus . The man-biting rates of mosquito for outdoor sleepers were 7.20-360.60 mosquitoes per man per night. For sleepers inside mosquito-net,it was about 1. The proportion of multiparous mosquito ranged from 27.27% to 88.10%. In the cross-sectional surveillance, 1 118 681 persons were examined with blood examination method, with a result of 26 positive cases during 1988-1990 and no positive during 1991-1999. During 1994~1999, 157 815 vector mosquitoes ( C. pipiens pallens were 92 318 and A. sinensis were 65 497) were dissected and no positive was found. Conclusion Filariasis transmission has been interrupted and the disease is maybe eliminated in Henan Province.
Chinese Journal of Parasitic Disease Control