《白居易与下圭阝故里》描写了白居易在故里的主要活动 ,收集了白居易作于下圭阝里的诗赋、家状、墓志铭、祭文、记事、自传等。该书点面结合 ,侧重明确 ,深入挖掘 ,实际考察 ,去伪存真 ,注释准确 ,精雕细刻。作者以探本求源、一丝不苟的精神 ,查对核实 ,寻出可靠根据 ,是值得信赖的 。
The book Bai Juyi and His Hometown Xiagui not only is about Bai's chief activities in his hometown but also includes his writings conducted there, such as poems and fus, family written complaints, gravestone epitaphs, elegiac addresses, records of events, and autobiographies, etc. With clear focus, the book combines both details and aspects. By conducting on the spot investigation, it eliminates the false and retains the true. Thorough and accurate notes are provided to the book. Truth is sought after conscientiously and meticulously about every detail. The work is reliable and will stand the test of history.
Journal of Weinan Normal University