目的 研究和探讨硒对氟致雄性大鼠生殖损害的拮抗作用及其机理,找出硒对氟毒性的最佳拮抗剂量。方法给雄性大鼠饮用含氟化钠(150mg/L)及同时分别加入不同浓度亚硒酸钠(0.5,2.0和4.0mg/L)的饮水共8周,观察氟及氟硒联合对大鼠血、尿氟水平及对睾丸和附睾的影响。结果 氟暴露大鼠血液和尿液氟浓度明显升高,血清和睾丸微量元素含量异常、睾丸和附睾组织脂质过氧化物(LPO)含量增加、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)和ATP酶活性显著降低。2.0mg/L亚硒酸钠对大鼠尿氟排泄具有显著促进作用,对氟致血清和睾丸微量元素异常改变具有一定调整作用,对氟致睾丸和附睾LPO含量升高及GSH-Px和ATP酶活性降低具有显著拮抗作用,而0.5和4.0mg/L亚硒酸钠的作用较弱。结论2.0mg/L亚硒酸钠是本实验条件下硒拮抗氟致睾丸和附睾损害的最佳剂量。
ve To study the mechanisms of the antagonistic action of selenite on flouride-induced male reproductive damages, and find out the optimal level of selenite in drinking water against fluoride toxicity. Methods Five groups of SD male rats were provided with deionized drinking water containing 0 and 150mg/L NaF, and containing both 150mg/L NaF and 0.5,2.0 or 4.0 mg/L Na2SeO3 respectively for 8 weeks, observing the levels of fluoride in blood and urine as well as the impairments of testis and epididymis of rats induced by 150mg/L NaF. Results Flouride could cause the elevation of flourine concentrations in blood and urine, the abnormalities of trace elements in serum and testis, as well as the significant increase of lipid peroxide( LPO) levels, and the obvious decreases of activities of glutathione peroxidase(GSH-Px)and ATPase in testis and epididymis of rats exposed to fluoride in drinking water.2.0mg/L Na2SeO3 in drinking water induced acceleration of fluoride excretion obviously in urine and possessed the certain adjustment of changes of trace elements in serum and testis, the most significant antagonistic effects of increases of LPO levels and decreases of GSH-Px and ATPase activities in testis and epididymis of rats exposed to fluoride, those of 0.5 and 4.0 mg/L Na2SeO3 were not powerful. Conclusion Na2SeO3 of 2.0mg/L is the optimal level for the antagonistic effect on testis and epididymis impairments.
Chinese Journal of Public Health