The determination of nitrate and nitrite in meat produets by I. S. E. is investigated. The chloride in the sample isolate is precipited with silver sulfate. Aluminium sulfate, orthoboric acid and sulfoamidic acid and sulfoamidic acid are are added to eliminate the interference of organic acid anion and nitrate in the filtrate. 0.1 mol. sodium sulfate is used as T. I. S. A. B. At pH 3.4±O.1. the response of nitrate electrode is line up to 4.0-30 NaNO-3 μg/ml. On the other hand, hitrite in the isolate is oxided with hydrogen peroxid at acidic condition. Then the nitrite is determined by different methods. The concentration of nitarite and nitrite inthirteen meat products is determined by applying the standard addition method. The precision and recovery of this method are within 2.31%—9.83% and 95.0%—108.4% respectively.