普通高校女大学生普修简化太极拳是实施素质教育和高校体育课程改革的需要 ,具有可行性和优越性 ,即 :能够增强女大学生体质 ,提高健康水平 ,迎合她们好静的特点 ,使自身美得到充分锻炼和展现 ,并能伴随其终身健身 .她们具有的哲学理论基础 ,更有利于简化太极拳的学习和掌握 ,实践表明 :女大学生也是十分喜爱太极拳运动的 .因此 。
To popularize the Simplified Taijiquan among women collegians is to meet the needs of the implementation of the qualified education and the reform of p E curriculum of universities and colleges;it has both feasibility and superiority To do this can not only enhance their physique and improve the level of their health but also cater to their nature of quietness and give them a good chance to present their physical beauty Since Taijiquan suits the taste of the youth and the middle-aged,and especially that of the old,it can be beneficial to their bodybuilding at present as well as the rest of their lives Women collegians have laid the foundations of philosophic theory,and so they can study and master Tanjiquan more easily and efficiently The facts ,moreover,have proved that women collegians love Taijiquan exercise The author ,therefore,suggests that Taijiquan should be popularized among women students in universities and colleges
Journal of Yichun University