长脚是王安忆在长篇小说《长恨歌》中塑造的一个在都市生活中混社会的人物形象 ,他在社会上扮演多重角色 ,每天都要以不同的嘴脸在几种社会层面穿梭往返 ,小说在塑造这一人物形象的时候情节设计有不周全之处 ,使这一人物形象在整体上给人一种闪烁不定、扑朔迷离的印象 。
Changjiao, a character portrayed in the novel 'Etennal Regret Song' by Wang An Yi, is a man who muddles along in a metropolis. Wearing various looks, he shuttles back and forth in different social groups every day. However, the plot is not designed beyond satisfactorily by such a portrayal of a vague and confusing man with some contradictory disposition.
Journal of Shangrao Normal University