
尼美舒利对成人斯蒂尔病退热作用的临床研究 被引量:2

A clinical study on antipyretic effect of nimesulide on adult onset Still′s disease
摘要 目的 比较尼美舒利和萘普生对成人斯蒂尔病 (AOSD)的退热效果和安全性。方法  36例AOSD患者随机分为两组 :观察组 2 0例 ,用尼美舒利 10 0mg ,2次 /d ;对照组 16例 ,用萘普生 30 0mg ,2次 /d ,两组均同时服用甲氨蝶呤 10mg/周 ,共 4周。 2周不退热者均加服泼尼松 10mg/d。 结果 观察组于 2 4h退热者 13例(6 5 % ) ,1周和 2周退热者分别为 16例 (80 % )和 17例 (85 % ) ,与对照组比较差异有显著性 (P <0 0 5 ) ,同时关节症状及血沉 (ESR)、C反应蛋白 (CRP)较治疗前差异有显著性 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 尼美舒利对AOSD的退热作用明显优于萘普生 ,对关节症状及ESR、CRP的改善与萘普生相当 ,副反应小 ,是现阶段治疗AOSD值得推荐的药物。 Objective To compare the antipyretic effects and safety of nimesulide and naproxen in the treatment of adult onset Still′s disease Methods Thirty six patients with adult onset Still′s disease (AOSD) were randomly divided into two groups Group one took nimesulide 100 mg twice a day for each case,group two took naproxen 300 mg twice a day for each The patients of the two groups all took methrotrexate 10 mg weekly;this medication lasted 4 weeks In addition,prednisone 10 mg a day should be administrated if the fever didn′t get down beyond 2 weeks Results Thirteen patients′fever decreased within 24 hours (65%),16 cases within one week (80%) and 17 cases within 2 weeks (85%) As compared with those in control group,there was significant difference ( P <0 05) And meanwhile there was great difference of joint symptoms and ESR,CRP data before and after the treatment ( P <0 05) Conclusion The fever relieving effect of nimesulide on AOSD is superior to that of naproxen,nimesulide improves joint symptoms and ESR,CRP data similarly as naproxen,with a slighter side reaction,it is worth recommending for treating AOSD at present
作者 王宏运
出处 《中国药物与临床》 CAS 2002年第3期154-156,共3页 Chinese Remedies & Clinics
关键词 尼美舒利 成人斯蒂尔病 安全性 AOSD 退热作用 药物疗法 成人型Still病 Still′s disease,adult Medicinal treatment Antipyretic effect
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