通过对我国财务软件的现状及其发展趋势的论述 ,阐明了我国财务及管理软件已进入了一个飞速发展的时期 ,取得了令人注目的成绩 ,但面对新世纪的挑战 ,面对国外财务软件的进入 ,特别是国外企业管理软件的进入 ,我国财务及企业管理软件的发展前景将是任重道远。
The paper states on the current situation of China's firancial software and the trend of it's development,and explains that China's financial and management software have entered a period of rapid development and great achieveiments have been made that arrest people's attention,but,facing challenges of the New Era,that is,the competition from financial softwares developed by foreign countries,especially the enterprise management software,there are still much more remained to be done in the future for China's financial and enterprise management software.
Journal of Shanxi Institute of Economic Management