本实验硬膜外麻醉下行择期手术的成年患者120例,随机分成4组。分别给以舒乐安定4mg,2.5mg;苯巴比妥钠150mg;Vit C 500mg,术前60min口服,以消除患者术前的焦虑和紧张。测患者术前、麻醉前、术后4h的卡片记忆和收缩压、舒张压和呼吸率;计算收缩压脉率积(RPP)。按Ramsay镇静分级对患者的镇静状态进行评估。结果表明,4组中舒乐安定组2~5级者多于对照组,而麻醉实施和手术过程的记忆以及卡片法记忆明显较对照组少,且与剂量相关。因此认为术前1h舒乐安定口服4mg较使用苯巴比妥钠150mg有明显的提高镇静、增加遗忘,减少手术应激的作用,可在非胃肠道梗阻和饱胃病人中广泛应用。
Objective:To observe the efficacy of estazolam and pheobarbital premedicated orally.Methods: 120 adult patients undergoing eqidural anesthesia were randomly divided into four groups which took orally estazolam 4mg, 2.5mg; pheobarbital 150mg and Vit C 500mg ,respectively, 1h. before operation to allay anxiety and fear.Preanesthetic,Preoperative and postoperative 4hours' systolic pressure, cards memory and respiration rate were examined. Patients'calm statue was estimated with Ramsay's method. Results: The estazolam 4mg group have more sedation degree and less memory than others groups. Conclusion: To premedicate 4mg of estazolam orally before operation can obviously progress sedation,reduce stress and memory.The method can be used for curing intestinal obstruction or stomach distension.
The Journal of Medical Theory and Practice