目的 :了解阿尔茨海默病 (AD)患者伴发抑郁症状的临床特征及抑郁对 AD的影响。 方法 :对 132例 AD患者 ,根据 Cornell痴呆抑郁评定量表总分 (8分为界 )划分为抑郁组和非抑郁组 ,分别在入组时、6、12月用多种量表进行评定。 结果 :患者中抑郁症状总发生率为 5 6 .82 % ,抑郁组患者单项症状出现频度最高者为兴趣丧失 (78.7% )和对快乐事件缺乏反应 (78.7% )。与抑郁症状有关的危险因素为女性、丧偶、发病年龄早和具有行为障碍等。 结论 :AD患者中抑郁是常见的临床症状 。
Objective:To study the clinical characteristics of Alzheimer's disease(AD) combined with depression and the related factors. Method:132 patients with AD were divided into depression group and non depression group according to the total scores of Cornell dementia depression scale (≥8 or<8).The samples were assessed with several rating scales in 1 month,6 months and 12 months separately. Results:The incidence of depression symptoms in AD patients was 56.82%.Single symptoms with a higher frequency in depression group were interesting losses (78 7%) and lack of reactivity to pleasant events (78 7%). A logistic regression analysis showed that the risk factors for depressive symptoms were female,loss of spouse, earlier onset age and a combination with behavioral disturbance. Conclusion:Depressive symptoms were common among AD patients and have some characteristics different from those in adult patients.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry