自杀问题已越来越引起人们的重视 ,有关自杀的发生机制、流行学、有关因素、预测方法及预防措施等的研究日益深入 ,获得不少进展。第五届全国危机干预暨自杀预防学术会议于 2 0 0 1年 5月在长沙召开 ,进行了广泛的学术交流 ,现选登若干篇 。
Editorial note:Problems about suicide have been paid more and more attention. Studies on the mechanism ,epidem iology,related factors,forecast method,and preventive measures of suicide have been deepened day by day. All of these have made significant progress. The 5 th Nationwide Academic Sem inar of Crises Intervention and Suicide Prevention has been convened in Changsha in May,2 0 0 1. Wide- range academic exchanges have been carried out. Some papers were selected to be published here as references for readers
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry