目前人们已研制出了尺寸在微米、纳米量级的生物传感器和生物图像传感器 ,这些传感器的共同特点是 :体积小 ,分辨率高 ,响应时间短 ,所需样品量少以及对活细胞的损伤小 ,可进行微创甚至无创测量。此外 ,由于响应时间可以缩短到毫秒级 ,所以可用于测量细胞的瞬态、突发性变化 (如细胞分裂、死亡等 )。目前 ,纳米生物传感器主要采用纳米光纤探头及相应的光学检测方法 ,相对于此前的超微玻璃电极而言 ,具有可靠性高、一致性好、互换性好以及制备容易等特点。此外 ,由于采用了光纤及相应的微机械加工制备技术 ,使纳米生物传感器比前期的超微电极具有更小的尖端尺寸。本文叙述了近年来国际上在纳米生物传感技术方面的研究成果和进展 ,介绍了它们的制备方法、性能指标和应用领域 ,以及我们进行的有关细胞传感器的研究成果。最后 。
Some biosensors and image biosensors with submicron or noanometer dimension had been developed at present.The advantages of those sensors are:less sample volume,high resolution,quick response,and small dimension.As a result,the cell could be detect with less damage or vivo noninvasion.Moreover,the sensors were able to detect the transient mutation in cells(such as,the mitochysis and death of cell)because of the response time shortened to microsecond.Optical fiber nanoprobe and optical detective method were the main technology adoped in nanobiosensors.Compared with the previous glass ultramicroelectrodes,they had the characteristics of high reliability,good consistency,and easy to preparation.Additionally,since the microfabrication were applied in the sensor,the biology nanobiosensor had smaller tip than ultramicroelectrode,This paper introduced the reserach achievements and progress of nanobiosensors in the world,their fabrication methods,performance parameters and aplication fileds,presented the research work carried out in our lab,and prospect the development of this field in the future.
Foreign Medical Sciences(Biomedical Engineering Fascicle)
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (39870 2 30 )