针对断层测量反求 ,提出了基于物体基本结构和特征的轮廓分割算法。新算法具有分割效率高、分割准确的优点。断层测量截面方位的不同使得同一特征的截面形状具有多样性 ,给特征参数的识别造成很大困难。为了解决这一问题 ,提出对分割后的特征结构轮廓集进行“二次虚拟层切”的方法 ,使特定特征类型的截面形状固定下来 ,大大降低了特征参数识别的难度。系统可以获得反求零件的参数化CAD模型 。
For layer measuring based reverse engineering (RE), an algorithm can segment measured contour into groups according to different structure and features precisely and efficiently, is presented. When the orientation of the measuring section is changed, the cross sections of one feature will take on different shapes. This makes it very difficult to identify certain feature's parameters, then one technique called as 're slice' is put forwarded. By applying this technology, one feature will have unique cross sectional shape. In addition, our system can acquire the parameterized CAD model of the treated part, which makes it possible of modifying RE models.
Die and Mould Technology