采用高效液相色谱仪 (HPLC ,UV检测器 )测定面粉及其制品中的过氧化苯甲酰 (BPO)含量。用C18色谱柱 ,以甲醇 - 0 .0 2mol/L乙酸铵 (5 +95 )为流动相 ,检测波长 2 30nm ,以保留时间作定性 ,以峰面积或峰高作定量 ,以苯甲酸为标准 ,计算样品中BPO含量。结果显示在 0~ 10 0mg/L范围内呈良好线性关系 (r=0 .9995 ) ;检测限为 0 .2mg/L ,方法的回收率为 93.5 %~ 110 .8% ;相对标准偏差平均为 2 .6 %。结果表明 ,本法简单、快速、准确 ,易于操作 ,用于面粉及其制品BPO的测定 。
A method was developed for detecting benzoyl peroxide in wheat flour and its products by high performance liquid chromatograph followed by UV detection. The chromatographic separation was performed on C 18 column with a mobile phase of methyl alcohol-0.02mol/L ammonium acetate (5+95,V/V). The UV wavelength was 230um Retention time was used for the qualitation of benzoyl peroxide, peak area or peak height for the quantitation and benzoic acid for the standard. The linear range and coefficient of liner correlation was 0-100mg/L and 0.9995 respectively. The detection limit was 0.2mg/L. The recovery of the method was 93.5% -110.8 %. The results showed that the method was simple, rapid, accurate and easy to operate. It has been applied for detecting actual simples with satisfactory result.
Anhui Journal of Preventive Medicine