资源的稀缺性和人的有限理性是对中西法律起源进行经济分析的前提 ,经济学中的成本理论和马克思主义政治经济学的观点是对中西法律的起源进行比较分析的工具。在此基础上 ,法律被论证为在资源稀缺的前提下基于降低社会成本的作用而产生 ,中西法律起源的不同是由其经济基础、征战成本和社会成本不同决定的。
The scarcity of resource and the limitation of people's reason are the provision of the economic anylysis of the origin of Chinese and western law.The anylysis methods are the cost theory in economics and the economic basis theory in Marxism.The conclusion is that the law can decrease social cost.The different origins of laws lies in the difference of war cost,social cost and economic basis.
Northern Economy and Trade