围棋产生于中国 ,大约在南北朝时传入日本。 1 6世纪前 ,日本围棋主要受中国的影响。之后日本逐渐把围棋发扬光大 ,使其完成了从古典到现代围棋的转变 ,它反过来又影响、促进了围棋在其故土的转型。这种文化传播、影响与接受、反雏 ,形成一种文化互动 。
Weiqi originated in China and it was introduced into Japan in Chinese Southern and Northern Dynasties. Before 16th century, Japanese Weiqi was mainly influenced by China and then Japan carried it forward gradually and accomplished the transformation of Weiqi from classical to a modern. one. And in turn, the transformed Weiqi in Japan began to influence and promote Weiqi in China and finally the transformation was achieved in China. This kind of cultural propagation, influence, acceptance and rumination make up a sort of cultural interaction which is a universal phenomenon existing both in Weiqi and all the other cultural exchanges.
Japanese Study Forum