对高校科研处和职员的职位进行分析 ,揭示高校科技管理队伍的现状和科技管理的运作方式 ,认为科研处长是一个行政管理职务 ,而不是一个专业研究职务。在高校建立职员制度的体制下 ,要建立“一支学有所长并具有突出领导才能的科技管理专家队伍”,就要逐步淡化“双肩挑”、“准内行”的“体外循环”职务晋升模式。根据科技管理工作的特点 ,建立一种多阶梯晋升模式 ,即行政职务、行政职员、科技管理研究和科技开发与推广四种晋升途径 ,做到职级平等。
On the analysis of division of scientific research and functionary positions,it discovers the status quo of S&T management contingent and operational mode of S&T management in high institutions,and concludes that the chief of the division of scientific research is an administrative position,but not a professional research position. So under the functionary system in high institution,and in order to establish a S&T management expert contingent with adequare learning and excellent capacity,it is necessary to gradually change the promotion mode based on 'doubie shoulder task' and 'outer circulation' with 'sub connoisseur',and to establish a multi level promotion mode which is based on following 4 channels:administrative headship,administrative function,S&T management research,and S&T development and distribution.
R&D Management