利用层叠法分别组装了单体电池及三层、四层和八层的MCFC电堆,实验了不同条件下的伏安特性和功率特性。通过实验得知,温度升高使电池的开路电压和功率特性上升。随着电堆层数的增加,电池的平均功率输出密度增加,而且气体的利用率也增加。通过热力学和动力学关系分析得出结论:性能的提高是由于电池内部损耗相对减少和气体利用率增加造成的,并且平均单片电池的开路电压达到1.15 V,功率密度可达到130mW/cm2。
The single cell and three, four, eight pieces single cell to install stacks are prepared. Also the U-A andP-A properties under different conditions are investigated. As a result, the higher temperature makes higheropen circuit voltage (OCV) and output power, and with the increase of cells in the stack the average poweroutput density and the use effect of the gas are greater. Demonstrae the phenomena by thermodynamics andkinetic methods, we found that the better properties of stacks are the cause of relative lower inner resistance lossand higher gas utility. The average single cell can produce OCV up to 1.15V and the power density up to130mW/cm2. That will be a great support for the design and application of large MCFC stacks in the future.
Power System Engineering