

Determinants of Boiled Peanuts Consumption in Two Southern States in the U. S.
摘要 对 60 6所大学学生和职工进行了调查以确定影响煮花生消费的因素。抽样中大约有 5 5 %的人从未吃过煮花生 ,40 .4%的人说他们每星期吃煮花生不会超过一次 ,仅 4%和 1 %的人每星期吃一次和多于一次的煮花生 ,影响煮花生消费的因素有性别、口味、含油量及煮花生是否作为副菜来食用 (p >0 .0 5 )。男人比女人更喜欢吃煮花生。 A survey was conducted among 606 college students and staff to determine the factors that influence the consumption of boiled peanuts. About 55 percent of the individuals sampled had never consumed boiled peanuts. 40.4 percent said they ate boiled peanuts less than once per week. Only 4.0 and 1.0 percent had eaten the product once and more than once per week. The factors influencing the consumption of boiled peanuts are gender, taste, perception of the fat content and whether the product is served as a side dish (p>0.05). Men were more likely to consume boiled peanuts than women. Ethnicity was not a factor in the consumption of boiled peanuts.
出处 《花生学报》 2002年第1期1-7,13,共8页 Journal of Peanut Science
基金 StudyfundedbyPeanutCRSP USAID andUniversityofGeorgia.
关键词 美国 煮花生 消费 花生 影响因素 boiled peanut consumption decision
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