深刻理解跨越式发展产生的历史必然性和规律性应从哲学视角考察。从唯物史观考察 ,跨越式发展符合辩证的、历史的逻辑 ;从必然性考察 ,跨越式发展是经济全球化的必然要求 ,是后发国家摆脱贫困的必由之路 ;从规律性考察 ,跨越式发展的最终结果带来全球生产力的大发展 ,为否定现代资本主义提供理论依据 。
From philosophical angle of view, we can understand the historical certainty regularity of the leap development. From the materialist conception of history, we understand that the leap development is in conformity with the dialectical, historical logic; from the certainty, the leap development is a necessary requistion of the global economy, and the only way that post-dvelopmental countries free themselves from a privation situation; from the regularity, the final result of the leap development will result in development of productive forces in the world. It provides a constructive theoretical basis for negating modern capitalist soical-economic formation, speeding up the transformation of capitalism effected by socialism.
Jilin Geology