在同一气候资料的基础上 ,分别应用Thornthwaite公式和Penman公式计算了潜在蒸散 ,并据此计算湿润指数 ,划分了我国的荒漠化气候类型区 ,并确定了荒漠化潜在发生范围 ,同时对上述两种方法在我国荒漠化气候类型区划中的适用性进行了比较分析。结果表明 ,对我国而言 ,Penman公式法比Thornthwaite公式法更具有合理性。根据Penman公式法的区划结果 ,我国荒漠化潜在发生范围约为4 2 4万km2 ,占国土面积的 4 4 .1% ,分布于全国 19个省 (自治区、直辖市 )。
Based on the climatic data from 681 stations in China during 1961-1990, the potential evapotranspirations are calculated by using Thornthwaite method and Penman formula respectively, and then two climatic type distribution maps of desertification in China are drawn out according to the moisture indices. The applicability of two methods is discussed in five aspects, the results show that Penman formula is more applicable than Thornthwaite method in desertification climatic regionalization in China. Consequently the potential extent of desertification in China is outlined by Penman formula method. The regionalization results show that there are 4.24×10 6 km 2 potential desertification areas in China, among the areas there are 854×10 3 km 2 in semi-humid prone to arid area, 1.75×10 6 km 2 in semi-arid area and 1.63×10 6 km 2 in arid area with proportions to territory of 8.9%,18.2% and 17.0% respectively. The potential extent of desertification in China covers 19 provinces(autonomous regions) and consists of 44.1%territory.
Journal of Natural Disasters
国家自然科学重点基金资助项目 (3 9990 490 )
国家重点基础研究发展规划资助项目"973"(2 0 0 0 0 7790 0 )