本研究表明 ,大鼠去势能够增加海马CA3区锥体细胞对应激刺激的敏感性 ,脑室内注射利多卡因和呋喃苯胺酸 ,对去势应激大鼠海马CA3区锥体神经细胞具有保护作用。DarkNeuron染色发现 ,应激还能引起除海马CA3区以外的CA4 区、小脑、隔区等神经细胞变性 ,提示Na+通道阻断剂能预防应激大鼠海马CA3区锥体细胞的损伤 ,这可能是通过抑制细胞膜的Na+ Ca2 +逆向交换及Na+ K+ 2Cl 同向转运而引起的。
The present study showed that the pyramidal cells of CA 3 area were more sensitive to the stress in castrated rats than that in the normal rats. It was also discovered that lidocaine and/or furosemide applied to the ventricle produced a protective effect on the pyramidal cell of CA 3 area in castrated stress rats. Dark Neuron staining indicated that stress could injure not only the neurons of hippocampal CA 3 area, but also injures those of other brain areas including the CA 4 area, cerebellum and septum area etc. These results suggested that lidocaine and furosemide might play an important role in preventing from neuronal injury in the hippocampal CA 3 area elicited by stress, and this effect might result from depression of the Na + Ca 2+ reverse transportation and the Na + K + 2Cl cotransportation. \[