目的 观察针灸推拿结合治疗腰椎间盘突出症临床疗效及与单一针灸、推拿疗法的相对差异性。方法 将患者随机分成针推组、针组和推组进行对比观察。结果 针推组痊愈率 (5 5 .2 % )和总有效率 (10 0 .0 % )均明显高于针组 (31.0 %和86 .9% )和推组 (34.7%和 91.8% ) ,经统计学处理 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,具有明显差异。结论 针推结合疗法优于单一的针灸疗法和推拿疗法 。
Purpose To observe a relative difference in curative effect on lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion between combined acupuncture moxibustion and massage and simple acupuncture moxibusion. Method Subjects were randomly divided into an acupuncture and massage group, an acupuncture group and a massage group for comparative observation. Results The cure rate(55.2%) and the total effective rate(100%) in the acupuncture and massage group were significantly higher than those(31.0% and 86.9%) in the acupuncture group and those (34.7% and 91.8%) in the massage group. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference( P <0.05). Conclusion A combined acupuncture and massage treatment is superior to a simple acupuncture moxibustion or massage treatment and at present is one of the better methods for treating lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion.
Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion