通过简要介绍外径仪的工作原理 ,从而阐明外径仪在电缆芯自动生产线中的实际应用 在工控机中使用 4 85接口卡和 4 85 / 2 32转换器 ,克服了RS 2 32串行口传送距离短 ,抗干扰能力差的缺点 。
The principle of accuscan and application in wire automated production line is introduced in the article. Using 485 interface and 485 to RS 232 converter could in industrial control computer,overcome the defect that the communication distance is not long in RS 232 and the interference-free ability is not well. The program chart and the hardware connection between the industrial control computer and accuscan in wire automated procuction line are given.
Journal of Northwest Minorities University(Natural Science )