本文对河北产中国林蛙蝌蚪的食性进行了系列的试验分析 ,是对其人工养殖不同发育阶段的饵料配方进行科学探索的一部分。结果表明 :不同种类的单一饵料对蝌蚪的生长发育产生不同影响 ;蝌蚪不同发育时期对饵料趋向性不同 ;一定比例的人工合成饵料适宜蝌蚪期饲喂。
The paper analyses the results of a series of experiments on feeding habits of Rana chensinensis tadpole; from Hebei Province. This series of experiments are parts of the scientific exploration of the food proportion in various developing stages of Rana chensinensis during artificial breeding. The results showed that different kinds of single food made various influence on the development of tadpole; tadpole's tendency for food in different periods was distinct and certain artificial food in proportion was most fit for tadpole.
Sichuan Journal of Zoology