南美斑潜蝇Liriomyzahuidobrensis在 1 5 ,2 0 ,2 5 ,30 ,35℃时 ,其蛹的历期分别为 34 5 ,1 5 8,1 0 1 ,7 2d ,而在 35℃时则不能正常羽化。土壤相对含水量为 30 %~ 90 %均比较适合南美斑潜蝇蛹的发育 ,就死亡率而言 ,它们之间没有显著差异。浸水处理表明 ,南美斑潜蝇的预蛹及蛹的初期和末期对浸水比较敏感 ,死亡率均达到 90 %以上 ,而处于中间期的蛹对浸水相对不敏感。田间调查和室内饲养均发现 ,南美斑潜蝇在 1 2时以前的化蛹个数占 1d总化蛹个数的 90 %以上 ,而 1 4时以前的羽化数占 1d总羽化数的 99%以上。南美斑潜蝇化蛹的场所在不同时期不同的蔬菜上有所不同 ,越冬时主要是以蛹在越冬寄主田的土壤中越冬 ,在生长季节 ,除了在菜豆的叶片反面化蛹外 ,其它蔬菜上则是在土壤和下部叶鞘上化蛹。
The influence of environmental factors on Liriomyza huidobrensis was studied. The results showed that the developmental period of pupae decreased along with the temperature increase, at the temperature of 15,20,25,30℃, the pupae stages were 34 5,15 8,10 1,7 2 d respectively, but at the temperature of 35℃, no normal adults emerged. The relative moisture of soil varying from 30% to 90% fit the development of pupae, as far as the mortality rate was concerned, there was no obvious difference among them. The soil\|socking experiment indicated that the pre\|pupa, the initial stage and the last stage of the pupa were sensitive to the soil\|socking, the mortality rate was all more than 90%, but the middle\|aged pupae were not relatively sensitive to the soil\|socking .The field investigation and the rearing experiment in the lab both indicated that the number of pupae pupate before 12 o'clock, account for more than 90% of the total pupae in a day, and the number of adults emerged before 14 o'clock account for more than 99% of the total adults in a day. The pupation places differed according to the time and the types of vegetables, during hibernation, it was in the soil of host, whereas in the growing seasons, it was in the soil and on lower leaf sheath except bean which was mainly on the reverse side of leaves.
Entomological Knowledge