在陕西黄龙山区、秦岭北坡和巴山北坡设置 1 0× 1 0 m2 样方 98个 ,应用相邻格子法进行每木调查获得野外资料 ,采用离散分布理论拟合检验、t检验和聚集强度测定的方法 ,对栓皮栎种群空间分布格局及动态进行了对比研究。结果表明 :1栓皮栎种群在黄龙山区为奈曼 A型分布 ,秦岭北坡和巴山北坡为负二项分布 ;聚集强度 ,秦岭北坡 >黄龙山区 >巴山北坡。 2在秦岭和巴山北坡中低海拔地区 ,种群为负二项分布 ,随海拔升高 ,秦岭北坡趋向随机分布 ,巴山北坡趋向均匀分布 ;两地种群聚集强度随海拔升高呈“低 -高 -低”的变化格局。3秦岭北坡 1~ 1 0年生种群的聚集度最大 ,随着年龄增加 ,聚集强度逐渐下降 ;而黄龙山区和巴山北坡种群的聚集强度随年龄增加而增强。栓皮栎种群生物学和生态学特性与环境因素共同作用是种群分布格局形成的主要因素 ,人为干扰对分布格局具有重要影响。
Ninety-eight 100 m 2 plots were established in Huanglong Mountain,the north slope of Qinling and Bashan Mountain for the obtaining of sampling data by tally in the contiguous quadrats.A comparative study on spatial distribution pattern and its dynamics of Quercus variabilis populations in different forest areas was made by the test of discrete distribution fitting,t-test and the measurement of aggregation intensity.The results were:① Q.variabilis population was Neyman distribution in Huanglong mountain and Negative Binomial distribution in the north slope of Qinling & Bashan Mountain;The rank of aggregation intensity:the north slope of Qinling Mountain>Huanglong Mountain>the north slope of Bashan Mountain;② The aggregation intensity with the increase of altitude in the north slope of Qinling and Bashan Mountain showed a distinct tendency:lower-higher-lower.As altitude increased,Negative Binomial distribution of the population tended to Poisson distribution in north slope of Qinling,and to Positive Binomial distribution in the north slope of Bashan Mountain;③ The aggregation intensity of the population aged 1~10 years in the north slope of Qinling Mountain was the greatest,with age increase,it tended to descend.On the contrary,the aggregation intensity tended to ascend in Huanglong Mountain and the north slope of Bashan Mountain.The spatial distribution pattern of Q.variabilis populations was decided mainly by the interaction among the biological,ecological property and environmental factors,and influenced by the human disturbance.According to the natural conditions in different areas and population dynamics,the special management measurements should be taken so as to realize the sustainable utilization of Q.variabilis forest.
Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica
中国科学院知识创新项目 ( KZCX1 -0 6)
Shaanxi forest areas
Quercus variabilis populations
spatial distribution pattern