目的 :探讨拇指腕掌关节韧带力学特性 ,为关节运动分析、伤病致残时的修复与功能重建以及人工关节设计提供关节韧带力学特性参数。方法 :选择前斜韧带和背桡侧韧带做离体力学测试 ,得出韧带应力—应变关系、弹性模量和抗张强度 ,推导出本构方程。结果 :前斜韧带和背桡侧韧带的应力—应变关系呈幂函数关系 ,前斜韧带的本构方程 :σ =1.0 0ε1.17,背桡侧韧带的本构方程 :σ =2 .2 7ε1.60 。结论 :前斜韧带结构较疏松 ,其弹性模量和抗张强度都较背桡侧韧带小 ,外伤或自发性损伤引起退行性变的可能性大。
Objective: To study the biomechanical properties of the ligaments in the trapeziometacarpal joint for reconstructing the thumb function. Methods: The anterior oblique ligament and the dorsal radial ligament of the trepeziometacarpal joint were tested with the computed testing machine in vitro, the stress-strain relationship and the modulus of the ligaments were calculated. Results: The stress-strain relationship of the ligaments was exponential; the function of the anterior oblique ligament was σ=1.00ε 1.17 , and the dorsal radial ligament was σ=2.27ε 1.60 . Conclusion: The anterior oblique ligament was thinner and looser than the dorsal redial ligament, and the anterior oblique ligament was apt to be injured.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy