用嗜麦假单胞菌(Pseudomonas maltophilia)的静息细胞悬液研究了高温对该菌产生胞外蛋白酶的影响。细胞在37℃培养30min 后,其产酶能力完全受到抑制。将在30℃合成蛋白酶的细胞置37℃处理30min 后重新放回30℃时,有一个30min 的延缓期。利福平能阻止细胞在30℃恢复蛋白酶的合成,当细胞经37℃处理30min 后,利福平非敏感的蛋白酶合成能继续30min。实验结果表明;细胞经37℃处理30min 后,合成蛋白酶的 mRNA 库遭到破坏,延缓期反映了新的 mRNA 库的合成。
The influence of high temperature on extracellular proteinase produced by Psudomoncs maltophilia was investigated by using arresting cell suspention. The ability of cells to produce proteinase was inhibited completely after 30 rain at 37℃.When cells actively synthesizing proteinase at 30℃ were exposed to 37℃ for 30main and then returned to 30℃,a lag of 30 rain was required for the resumption of synthesis.Rifampin prevented recovery of synthesis at 30℃ Rifampin insensitive proteinase synthesis continued for up to 30 min after the exposure of cells to 37℃ for 30 min.The data have shown that the extra. cellular proteinase specific mRNA pool is depleted after exposure of cells to 37℃for 30 min and that a lag of 30 min reflected synthesis of new mRNA pooI.
Journal of Wuhan University(Natural Science Edition)