目的 :研究容量负荷心肌肥大的发生与原癌基因N ras异常表达的联系 ,以及血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂与其表达的关系。方法 :2 7只雄性SD大鼠 ,分为造瘘组、造瘘药物组及对照组 ,前两组又分为 4个 (术后 4h、3d、10d、1个月 )不同时间点 ,每组 3只。造瘘组行腹主动脉 腔静脉造瘘术形成容量负荷 ;造瘘药物组除行造瘘术外 ,于造瘘前 3d加依那普利 (2 5 0mg/L)入饮水中喂饲至处死 ;对照组只行腹主动脉 腔静脉暴露 ,不造瘘。分别在 4个不同时间点取左室 ,应用AGPC一步法提取总RNA ,NorthemBlot技术测定N rasmRNA的表达水平。结果 :造瘘组术后 4h ,左室N rasmRNA吸光度值明显升高 (0 .793± 0 .2 11,P <0 .0 5 ) ,10d时达高峰(4 .0 15± 0 .0 78,P <0 .0 1) ,1个月后下降 (1.0 10± 0 .30 2 ,P <0 .0 5 )。造瘘药物组术后 4h ,左室N rasmRNA吸光度值明显降低 (0 .2 6 9± 0 .0 81,P <0 .0 5 ) ,3d后几乎无表达 (0 .172± 0 .0 30 ,P <0 .0 1)。结论 :大鼠容量负荷时 ,左室N ras原癌基因表达增强 ,依那普利可以抑制大鼠容量负荷左室N
Objective:To investigate effect of enalapril on protooncogene expression in model of chronic volume overload.Method: The rats of aorta-cava shunt were divided into treated group and non-treated group. Expression of protooncogene N-ras in left ventricle was measured by Northern blot. Result: In this model, N-ras mRNA was increased at 4 hours after operation, to the top level at 10 days after operation. The level of N-ras mRNA in treatment group was decreased at 4 hours after operation, almost disappear at 3 days after operation. Conclusion: The expression of protooncogene N-ras could be inhibited by Enalapril.
Journal of Clinical Cardiology