目的 :探讨炔雌醇和安宫黄体酮周期性治疗更年期综合征和绝经后取宫内节育器 (IUD)者的疗效。方法 :将87例绝经后妇女随机分为2组 ,A组45例于取IUD前口服维尼安3月 ,B组42例于取IUD前口服炔雌醇 ,以IUD取出的顺利程度分为有效、困难和失败3种效果评定。结果 :两组在年龄、放置IUD年限、绝经后至取出IUD的时间比较 ,差异无显著性 (P>0 05)。A组43例顺利取出 ,B组34例顺利取出 ;分别有2例和5例手术困难。B组3例失败加服维尼安后共三次手术顺利取出。结论 :两药均有改善绝经后妇女阴道和宫颈手术环境的作用 。
Objective:To study on the effect of estradiol(Ethinylestradiol)and estriol on intrauterine device expulsion Methods:87 menopausal women were divided into 2 groups.Group A,included 45 cases,was treated with estriol before intrauterine device,while govp B,which included 42 cases,treated with Ethinylestradiol.At the same time,the effection of two kinds of drugs were observed by which the operation for intrauterine device expulsion whether easily or not.Results:The intrauterine devices were expuled successfully in 43 of 45 women in group A and in 34 of 42 in group B.3 cases in group B had no effect displayed.After trying in two or three times,the intrauterine device in the other 7 women were taken out.Conclusions:Both of the duugs can ameliorate comdition for operation on colpo and cervix,but the effect of treatment with estriol are more excellent than the effect from Ethinylestradiol.
Journal of Modern Medicine & Health