1999年 2月 13日 ,中国妇幼卫生与健康远程教育与咨询网络中心在上海成立。该中心创办了中国妇幼健康扶贫专网 ,济南市妇幼保健院争取到首批会员资格 ,作为妇幼远程教学网的一级站点负责山东省妇幼卫生远程教育工作。中心站采取的是最先进的可视声像网络技术 ,使广大基层工作人员 ,能够聆听全国最知名的专家、教授讲课 ,接受国家级各学科的继续医学教育。从培训内容看 ,都是新颖和实用的。自建网至今 ,各期学习班学员普遍反映 ,远程教学师资力量雄厚 ,内容新颖实用 ,声像效果良好 。
Chinese Maternity and Child Health and Health Tele Education and Consultation Net Centre was set up on Feb. 13, 1999. This centre originated Chinese Maternity and Child Health Poverty Alleviation Special Network. Jinan Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital has won over the member qualification of the which could take charge of the Maternity and Child Health Tele Education work of Shandong Province as the A station of MCH Tele Education Net. The centre station adopted the most advanced viewdata net technology, the basic workers could accept the continuous medicine education of all kinds of knowledge at state level by listening to the most famous experts and professors. From the contents of training, it was novel and applied. Since setting up the net, students of each term study team said that education teachers were excellent, learning contents were new and applied, sound image effect were good, this must be a training fashion that be popularized and accepted.
Maternal and Child Health Care of China
Network Tele Education Maternity and Child Health Training