研究常见金属材料铁、铜、铝对工业X -射线的吸收规律 ,测定 3种材料对工业X -射线的吸收曲线及吸收系数与板厚的关系。结果表明 ,X -射线的吸收与材料的原子序数、厚度及X -射线的能量有关。随板厚的增加 ,3种材料对X -射线的吸收系数都是单调下降的 ,吸收系数在小厚度范围内逐渐减小 ,试件厚度超过某一值后吸收系数基本保持不变。随着管电压的增加 ,散射比减小 ,当管电压大于一定值时 ,散射比与管电压无关。在小厚度范围内 ,随着板厚的增加 ,散射比呈直线增加。
The absorption law of Fe, Al, and Cu to X ray is studied. The absorption curves of the three metals to X ray and the relationship between absorptances and the thickness of the metals are measured. The results show that the absorption of metals to X ray is related to atomic number, thickness and X ray energy. The absorptances of the metals mono decreased with the increase of thickness. The absorptances decrease gradually when thickness is small and unchanged when thickness reaches a certain value. The relationship between scattering ratio of X ray irradiating and irradiation focus, voltage of X ray tube and plates thickness are also measured. The results show that the scattering ratio decreases with the increase of tube voltage at first and then keep constant when tube voltage reaches to some value. The scattering ratio increases in proportion to the thickness. There is no effect of focus on scattering ratio.
Nonferrous Metals