目的 :为了解我区住院医师规范化培训工作的效果 ,进一步加强我区住院医师规范化培训工作。方法 :作者对2 0 0 1年广西住院医师规范化培训考试成绩进行了分析。结果 :不同类型医疗卫生单位考生学历构成不同 ,基层单位高学历考生较少 ;学历越高 ,考试成绩及合格率越好 ;Ⅰ类 (厅直、三甲医院类 )及Ⅱ类 (地、市类 )医疗卫生单位的考生成绩及合格率远远好于Ⅲ类 (县类级 )单位。结论 :考生成绩及合格率与其学历成正相关并受医疗卫生单位管理、技术水平等因素影响。建议进一步提高基层医疗卫生单位人员的学历水平 ,加强管理和人才培养。
Objective:In order to find out the effect of the standard training of resident doctors and strengthen the work on the standard training of resident doctors in Guangxi.Methods:The achievements of the 2001exam of standard training of resident doctors were analysed.Results:The results showed that the examinees structure of educational background were differ in different type institutions.There were few examinees having higher educational background in grass-roots institutions.The higher were the examinees educational background,the better were the achievements and passing rate.The achievements and passing rates in type Ⅰ and type Ⅱ institutions were far higher than that in type Ⅲ institution.Conclusion:This study indicated that we must raise the educational background level of the doctors in grass-roots institutions and enhance the management and talent fostering because the achievements and passing rates of examinees were obvious relation to the examinees educational background and the level of institutions management and technology.
Guangxi Medical Journal