目的 概述国内外高性能战斗机飞行员高 +GZ综合防护的现状和发展趋势 ,提出我国相关技术、装备的改进建议。 资料来源与选择 根据国内外的文献报道 ,主要介绍了高 +GZ防护措施的研究进展。 资料引用 作者引用文献 2 6篇。 资料综合 重点论述了提高飞行员自身的抗荷能力、提高抗荷装备的抗荷性能、后倾座椅应用、+GZ引起的意识丧失 (G- L OC)监测与自动恢复系统、推拉效应等高 +GZ综合防护研究上的进展。 结论 国内外在高性能战斗机飞行员高 +GZ综合防护的研究与应用上均取得很大进展 ,我国在该领域的工作与国外最先进水平相比尚有差距 ,应进一步改进提高相关技术、装备的研究与应用水平。
Objective Present status and development tendency of high +G Z integrated protection for high performance fighter pilots are summarized, and suggestions on improving correlated techniques and equipment in our country are put forward. Literature resource and selection Research reports in this field home and abroad. Literature quotation Twenty six published papers were cited. Literature synthesis The advances of high +G Z integrated protection, such as measures enhancing individual G-tolerance, the improving of anti-G equipment, use of tilted seat, the inspected and auto-resumed system of G-LOC and the push-pull effect were discussed. Conclusions Significant advances have been obtained in research and application of high +G Z integrated protection for high performance fighter pilot in recent years. Great efforts should be made to improve research and application level of correlated technique and equipment in our country.
Chinese Journal of Aerospace Medicine