随着大学规模的扩大 ,科学有效的管理在建设世界知名大学的过程中显得越来越重要 ,本文力图以世界知名大学的管理体制和运行机制为基点 ,阐明建设世界知名大学应该以组织为依托 ,机制作保障 ,实现权力的合理配置 ,以管理提升员工素质 ,最终实现员工的自我管理。
Scientific and effective administration is becoming increasingly important as a university becomes larger and aspires to reach world levels.This article describes the system,organization and procedure of administration and allocation of authority at some world- class universities,and analyzeshow they have been able to raise the quality oftheir staff and eventually achieve staff autonomous administration.
Education and Modernization