With the wide popularity of Internet,E -commerce that is the informative outcome of 20th century also springs up vigorously.In China,E -c ommerce is still in its embryo stage.Along with the fast development of Internet and China' s entry into WTO,Chinese enterprise s are confronted with the overall com petition from inter-national counterparts,which undou btedly will accelerate the developm ent of Chinese E -commerce.However,China is a developing country and logistic s starts at a late and low level,so we d o not have modern logistics that can support E -commerce.How to efficien tly raise logistics level is the key t o the development pace of Chinese E -commerce.This paper analyzes considerations about logistics facing E -commerce from a microcosmic angle,a nd brings forward solutions to an effic ient logistics from a macroscopic an gle.
China Soft Science