在壳聚糖的生产过程中 ,将稀碱脱蛋白阶段反应后的稀碱 ,添加 8%— 1 0 %的稀碱后可重复使用 ,如此反复回用 3次 ;而浓碱脱乙酰基阶段反应后的浓碱 ,添加 5 %左右的浓碱后可重复使用 ,如此反复回用 1 0次 ;最后将酸碱废液综合处理得到熟石灰和有机肥等副产品 .与现有的工艺相比 ,该工艺处理效率提高了 3倍 ,处理成本下降了 1 0倍 ,污染负荷下降了 5 4 % .
In the stage of removal protein of using diluted alkali,by adding 8%-10% of new diluted alkali into the reacted diluted alkali,the reacted diluted alkali can be reused 3 times;in the stage of deacetylationt of using concentrated alkali,by adding 5% of new concentrated alkali into the reac-ted concentrated alkali,the reacted concentrated alkali can be reused 10 times.Finally these reacted waste acid and waste alkali are both treated synthetically into the lime and organic fertilizer.Compared with the traditional process,the production efficiency of this process was enhanced 3 times,the treating cost of this process cut down 10 times,the pollution load of this process reduced 54%.
Environmental Chemistry