目的 :探讨晶状体囊后膜缺如或大部分不完整情况下的人工晶状体植入的方法。方法 :选用襻的中央各有一个孔的人工晶状体 ,用聚丙烯缝线将其两襻固定在睫状沟处。结果 :12例 (12眼 )病例中 ,9例视力为0 6以上 ,3例矫正视力在 0 .2~ 0 .4。所有人工晶状体位置均正常。主要并发症是术后初期虹膜、睫状体出血 ,但均能自行吸收。结论 :两点悬吊式人工晶状体植入术可以用于严重的眼球外伤后或手术中晶状体囊后膜完全或大部分缺如的病例 ,术后可提高视力 ,避免配戴矫正眼镜的不适 ,和前房型人工晶状体植入后严重的炎症反应 ,从而解决这些病例无法植入后房型人工晶状体的问题。同时 ,该手术优点是缝针次数少 ,眼内出血发生率少 ,减轻了眼内组织反应 ,并发症明显比四点式固定术少。
Objective:To search a method of implanting the intraocular lens(IOL) under without or uncomplated capsular membrane.Methods:IOL with one hole in middle of each haptic were used.The haptic IOL were trans-sclerally fixed to the sulcus by polypropylene sutures.Results:9 of 12 cases,corrected visual acuity were 0.6 or better,3 eyes were 0.4 or better.No significant IOL tilt was detected.Conclusion:Two-point trans-scleral IOL fixation technique is used for the heavier eye injuries cases without or uncomplated capsular membrane.It can increase their visual acuity.This technique is effective in posterior-chamber IOL inplanting in these cases,also it is effective in solving the problem of IOL tilting.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Neimongol