
论北美自由贸易区新环境合作计划 被引量:2

The New Plan for Environmental Cooperation in NAFTA
摘要 北美自由贸易区在推进贸易自由化的同时也开展了环境合作,在取得了一定进展又存在不足的背景下,制定了其第二个三年计划《北美2000-2002年行动计划议程》,将环境合作集中在四个核心领域:环境、经济与贸易,生物多样性保护,污染与健康,法律与政策。整个计划注重民间力量的参与、信息交流的强化及贸易对环境的影响等。 NAFTA develops the environmental cooperation as well as trade liberalization. Based on its progress and weakness in environmental cooperation, CEC made its second three-year plan North American Agenda for Action 2000-2002' which focuses on four areas: Environment, economy and trade, Conservation of biodiversity, Pollutants and health, Law and policy. The plan is characterized by fostering public participation, emphasizing information exchange and the trade impact on environment.
作者 佘群芝
出处 《世界环境》 2001年第4期13-15,共3页 World Environment
关键词 自由贸易区 合作计划 NAFTA 环境合作 北美 NAFTA, Environmental Cooperation, Trade
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