
瑞典梅拉伦、哈马伦、维纳恩和韦特恩湖外来种的环境影响 被引量:2

The Environmental Consequences of Alien Species in the Swedish Lakes Malaren, Hjalmaren, Vanern and Vattern
摘要 在梅拉伦、维纳恩、韦特恩、和哈马伦湖已经有了20个外来种。有意引入的种类有来自北美洲的鱼类、信号小龙虾、观赏植物以及加拿大大雁。非有意引入的有,随被感染的小龙虾而来的小龙虾瘟疫,随压舱水而来的斑马贻贝和中国绒鳌蟹。病原体、寄生虫,特别是小龙虾瘟疫的引入,给各大湖带来很大的环境和社会经济影响,造成了本地贵重小龙虾的大批死亡。放养起源于不同生物地理区的鳟鱼和大麻哈鱼,使得维纳恩湖残留的本地鱼种类消失了。尽管除了小龙虾瘟疫外由于外来种的引入造成的主要生态系统的破坏没有在瑞典的4大湖发生,但局部问题已时有出现。 Twenty alien species have become established in the lakes Malaren, Vanern, Vattern and Hjalmaren. Intentional introductions include fish and the signal crayfish from North America, ornamental plants, and the Canada goose. Unintentional introductions include the crayfish plague introduced with infected crayfish, the zebra mussel, and Chinese mitten crab introduced with ballast water. The introduction of pathogens and parasites, in particular the crayfish plague, to the lakes has had the greatest environmental and socioeconomic effects and has contributed to the decimation of the indigenous noble crayfish. The stocking of brown trout and salmon with origins from different biogeographical regions has contributed to the extinction of relict indigenous fish species in L Vanern. Although major ecosystem damage caused by the introduction of alien species, with the exception of the crayfish plague, has not occurred in the four large Swedish lakes, local problems of considerable dignity occur occasionally.
出处 《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2001年第8期514-521,共8页
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