本文介绍了可编程逻辑器件的发展现状及其在接口电路地址译码中的应用 ,在基于PC机的多轴步进电机控制卡设计中用GAL2 2V10实现了在接口电路中设置地址、控制总线缓冲和隔离以保护计算机的功能。从使用效果看 ,不仅减小了系统体积 ,简化了系统设计 ,而且减少了级延迟 ,提高了系统处理速度 。
The paper presents the use of GAL22V10 in the interface circuit address coding of a PC based multi axis stepper control system,and discusses the design of the interface circuit and the characteristic of the GAL device.The actual working results show that the use of GAL22V10 is effective not only in reducing the bulky system and simplifying the system design,but also shortening the delay time ,thus improving the processing efficiency.
Industrial Instrumentation & Automation