某水库泄洪闸闸墩 ,为大体积的混凝土结构 ,体型、受力情况及边界条件都较复杂 .根据闸墩结构特点 ,利用空间块体单元对闸墩进行有限元离散 ,计算了该闸墩在 4工况下的强度与变形 ,给出了几个典型截面的应力等值线图和变形图 ,并对裂缝生成的原因、裂缝的开展可能性进行分析 .结果表明 ,温降产生的收缩和冷缩及温升和水载荷的作用 ,使闸墩内部产生应力 。
The sluice pier of the reservoir is a concrete structure of big volume with complex shape, force exerted and boundary condition. The sluice prier is divided to space solid elements according to its characteristic. The stress and displacement analysis of four schemes is presented. The equally strong stress figure of section is calculated and the reason of crack on sluice pier is analyzed. The result shows that the internal stress under the actions of expand with heat and contract with cold or water load is the main cause producing cracks in the sluice pier.
Journal of Zhengzhou University:Natural Science Edition