目的分析深圳市 2 0 0 0年户籍居民病伤死因及潜在寿命损失。方法按 ICD- 9方法分类整理个案资料 ,用 Epi-Info6.0软件进行数据输入和统计分析 ,并计算 1~ 69岁组人群死因明确个案的 PYLL。结果全死因总死亡率 2 .1 5‰ ,男性高于女性。分病种死因顺位前五位依次为循环系统疾病、肿瘤、损伤和中毒、呼吸系统疾病、消化系统疾病。PYLL顺位与死因顺位不同 ,恶性肿瘤、损伤和中毒提升至前两位 ,循环系统疾病退至第三位。结论深圳市居民的主要死因是循环系统疾病、肿瘤、损伤和中毒、呼吸系统疾病、消化系统疾病 ,而造成早死的主要死因是损伤中毒 。
Objective To analyze the causes of death and PYLL for the registered residents of Shenzhen in the year 2000.Methods Data of the cases were sorted and analyzed according to ICD 9,and the PYLL for people whose age ranges between 1~69 was calculated with EpiInfo 6 0.Results Total death rate was 2 15‰,with male's higher than female's.The sequence of death causes was circulatory system disease,neoplasm,accident and poisoning,respiratory system disease and digestive system disease.The sequence of PYLL is different from death causes,with malignant neoplasm,accident and poisoning upgraded to the top two,circulatory system disease downgra ded to the third.Conclusion The major death causes of the citizen of Shenzhen were circulatory system disease,neoplasm,accident and poisoning,respiratory system disease and digestive system disease,while accident and poisoning was the main causes of early death as well as digestive system disease in male and respiratory system disease in female.
Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases