目的 探讨放射治疗骨转移性癌痛的最佳时间—剂量分割模式。方法 以 1996年 6月至 2 0 0 0年 5月我科收治的符合研究条件的 142例骨转移性癌痛患者为研究对象。按不同的时间—剂量分割模式分成A、B、C、3组 ,分别比较它们的骨痛分值、生活质量评分、止痛起效时间及止痛有效率差别。结果 放射治疗骨转移性癌痛的总有效率为 97.9%。C组除治疗有效率外的各项指标均优于A、B两组。结论 放射治疗骨转移性癌痛的疗效确切 ,建议采用 6 0 0cGy/次 ,5d总剂量 30 0 0cGy/ 5次的放射治疗分割模式。
Objective To explore the optimal time-dose fractionation regimen of radiotherapy used for cancer pain caused by bone metastases. Methods The subject is 142 Patients with bone metastases who were administered in our department from June 1996 to May 2000 and answered the conditions of the research. In terms of the different time-dose fractionation regimen, they were divided into three groups: Group A, Group B and Group C. The therapeutic response rate, quality of life, bone pain score and the initial time of effect were studied respectively.Results The total therapeutic response rate is 97.9%. The parameters except therapeutic response rate in Group C are more superior than Group A and Group B. Conclusions It is positive for the effect that cancer pain caused by bone metastases treated by radiotherapy, and we advise it should be used that the fractionation regimen performs 600cGy/F and 3000cGy/5 Fs /5Ds.
Journal of Zunyi Medical University
metastatic bone tumor
cancer pain