Objective:The aim of this study is to establish a suitable techniq ue for the assessment of the postoperative appearance,position and insertion de pth of the electrode array. Methods:An electrode of the Nucleus multichannel co chlear implant was inserted into the 15 cochlear of 8 cadaveric skulls. Radiogra phs were obtained in Anterior-Posterior (AP) per-orbital projection,lateral v iew,cochlear view and HRCT.The cochlear implant insertion of the same device in 6 patients were also studied. Postoperative digital radiographs of these patien ts were obtained in cochlear view.All radiolographic findings were evaluated wit h the surgical estimated insertion depth.Results:The AP and lateral projection plain radiolographs could show the intracochlear electrode array but could not t ell the correct electrode placement.HRCT could show only a part of the electrode array,but individual electrodes could not be clearly distinguished. In a cochl ear view radiograph,the inserted electrodes were seen as a spiral within the co chlea both in cadaveric skulls and in patients. The vestibule(V) and superior se micircular canal(SSC) could also be recognized and form important landmarks for drawing a reference line to calculate the number of electrodes within the cochle ar.The completely inserted electrodes were seen in 4 cadaveric skull and 5 patie nts.In the rest,the insertion depth ranged from 12 to 20 electrodes.There was a high correlation between the radiologic and surgical results with regard to the number of electrodes inserted.Conclusion:A postoperative cochlear view is suff icient because it can serve as a result of operation,a baseline for further rad iographic examination and a valuable reference for further research purpose.
Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)
cochlear view
electrode array