从 1991年开始进行大豆抗孢囊线虫 (HeteroderaglycinesIchinohe)的育种研究 ,并利用一些抗源 (P14 376 5 4、灰皮支黑豆等 )进行了大量杂交工作 ,通过连续单株选拔、加大抗性好的组合群体数量、南繁北育、早代鉴定等措施 ,筛选出一些高抗、中抗的品种和品系 ,如中黄 12 (中作 5 2 39)、中黄 13(中作 975 )及中黄 17(中作 976 )等品种己正式审定推广 ,后两个品种己通过国家审定 ;有一批品系正在参加国家和省的大豆区域试验。这些品种和品系将对推动大豆生产起一定作用。
Studies on breeding for resistance to cyst nematode has been carried out since 1991. It was found that the dominant race of cyst nematode was race 4 in nearby Beijing area. A lage crosses and more than 50 combinations were made. The best combination is Dan 8×PI 437654 with big segregation in plant height, pod bearing habit, resistance to cyst nematode, maturity, and large amount of soybean new lines, highly resistant to cyst nematode through pedigree method of selection, enlarge the number of plants of good combination, alternate breeding in North and on South, identification at early generation were obtained. Now three soybean cultivars, Zhonghuang 12, Zhonghuang 13 and Zhonghuang 17, with moderate resistance to cyst nematode in Beijing, Anhui, Tianjin and North China were released, and a lot of lines that highly resistant to cyst nematode were obtained.
Scientia Agricultura Sinica
国家九五科技攻关"农作物辐射育种技术研究"项目 (96 B12 0 2 0 1)
农业部"黄淮海地区大豆育种和良种繁育项目"[93 ]国综字 14 5号
IAEA(国际原子能机构 )大豆辐射育种及生物技术相结合的研究 (IAEA 3 0 2 D2 82 92 /R4CPR)