在大量实践统计数据的基础上 ,对广州石油化工总厂动力事业部 3号锅炉水膜除尘器存在的设备固有的四个主要问题进行了全面、细致的对比和分析 ,指出要实现烟尘达标排放和设备长周期运行的根本对策就是将它改造成静电除尘 ,并对静电除尘器的特征参数选取提出了原则性的意见。
In the basis of a lot of statistic data, four inherent fatal defects of the water film dust catcher were analyzed in detail for No.3 boiler of the Power Station of Guangzhou Petrochemical Complex. Its is pointed out that its countermeasure is that the catcher should be changed into a static electric precipitator, to realize discharge for the flue gas to reach standard and the operation in longer work-up period. The basic parameters of the static electric precipitator were suggested.
Environment Protection in Petrochemical Industry