
非晶态Zr_(65)Cu_(17.5)Ni_(10)Al_(7.5)合金氧化和晶化过程研究 被引量:1

Investigation on Oxidation and Crystallization Behavior of Amorphous Zr_(65)Cu_(17.5)Ni_(10)Al_(7.5) Alloy
摘要 利用X射线衍射 (XRD)和差示扫描量热法 (DSC)研究了在连续加热条件下非晶态Zr65Cu17 5Ni10 Al7 5合金在空气中的氧化和晶化过程。结果表明 ,在 4 5 0℃以下 ,非晶态Zr65Cu17 5Ni10 Al7 5合金表面的ZrO2 晶粒长大过程服从抛物线规律 ;当温度超过 4 5 0℃时 ,由于非晶基体内部发生晶化过程 ,阻碍了表面氧化过程的发展 ,此时ZrO2 晶粒大小满足线性规律 ,并给出了ZrO2 晶粒尺寸与温度的函数表达式。非晶态Zr65Cu17 5Ni10 Al7 5合金的晶化过程是先形成二十面体相 ,然后转变为稳定的晶化相。 Employing the X ray diffraction(XRD) and differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) the oxidation and crystallization behavior of amorphous Zr 65 Cu 17 5 Ni 10 Al 7 5 alloy under the continuous heating conditions in air were studied The experimental results show that below 450℃ the grain growth of ZrO 2 on the surface of the amorphous Zr 65 Cu 17 5 Ni 10 Al 7 5 alloy obeys a parabolic rule,when the temperature is higher than 450℃ oxidation process is retarded due to the crystallization process in the amorphous matrix and the grain growth of ZrO 2 obeys a linear rule The functions between the average grain size of ZrO 2 and the temperature are given The crystallization process of amorphous Zr 65 Cu 17 5 Ni 10 Al 7 5 alloy can be described as the first precipitation of an icosahedral phase and then the transformation of it into a stable one
出处 《金属功能材料》 CAS 2002年第2期16-20,共5页 Metallic Functional Materials
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (批准号 :5 98710 2 5 )
关键词 非晶态合金 氧化 晶化 二十面体 amorphous,alloy,oxidation,crystallization,icosahedron
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