研究了脉冲电流退火工艺对非晶Fe73 5Cu1Nb3 Si13 5B9合金薄带巨应力阻抗 (GSI)效应的影响。结果表明 ,在外加 10 0MPa拉应力下对非晶合金进行脉冲电流退火后 ,巨应力阻抗效应显著提高 ,并且ΔZ/Z最大值随退火电流密度的增加而增加 ,当退火电流密度为 930A/mm2 时 ,阻抗的最大相对变化达到 35 0 %。
The giant stress impedance(GSI) effect in amorphous and high current density electropulsing annealed Fe 73 5 Cu 1Nb 3Si 13 5 B 9 ribbons has been investigated The results show that the GSI effect changes drastically with annealing process and the maximum stress impedance ratio of 350% is obtained with optimal conditions of current annealing The behaviors of the stress impedance vary with densities of annealing current and the tensile stress longitudinally applied during annealing process The maximum value of stress impedance ratio exists in the sample annealed by high current density electropulsing under applied tensile stress of 100MPa
Metallic Functional Materials